My Old Buddy Without The Mouse

Our Old Computer

Before, I endured a week of keyboardless surfing; now, a night of mouseless surfing.

What is this?

Well, Mildred, it’s just a test of how far you can go with what is given you at the moment.

My younger sister, Maricel, is using my laptop right now and Michelle’s using her’s too, so I have to use our old computer which has not been opened for months already. Poor fellow it has been utterly neglected that we forgot that it has no mouse, and it’s keyboard and CPU’s dust-filled. ( I cleaned it first before I used it.)

I remember ages ago (grade 6)  , when our home first received this Old buddy, I was the happiest kid. It was a day like no other. The computer was the most beautiful thing I thought I could ever behold my eyes on. I’ve always been a techy person watching anime such as Gundam Seed and doing acting replay after. You see, that moment when my old buddy entered our room, it was like heaven.  And here it is now, neglected and replaced by thinner, portable laptops. Poor buddy. But you know what, this Old Buddy of mine has greatly served its purpose. It really has. It is worn out now, but I’m pleased with its mere existence. Now I understand the reason for old people’s “sentimental values” for this Old Buddy of mine reminds me of those glorious days of excellent projects, excellent reports, high grades, pleasing remarks… I couldn’t have done that without the smart programs of this Old buddy. Plus, there were those moments of discovering new software and cool games. It was really fun.

Actually when I first heard the gospel from Bro. Dennis of El Shaddai, my old buddy  helped me greatly in following through what I have just heard. I was confused then and I want to make sure that if I will ever dive into another belief, it better be the real one. I searched and searched and searched. The internet is the most unbiased source of whatever information and you know what happened after I searched and searched? I got even more confused and broken. Ooops I was wrong. Old buddy didn’t really help that much, but it became a useful instrument for me to fill my want to seek something. It’s just that I did not found it through my old buddy. It’s of spiritual realm. It’s of God. It was not that I found Him. It was that He found me.  Altogether, my old buddy has been really useful even till now. I’m actually using my old buddy right now in writing this post. 🙂

It may not sound sensible to you but just for a random thought: It’s a good thing that computers are not like human beings – selfish and arrogant. If it were so, then accomplishing projects would be so so hard because by then, computer would try and try to get the glory for themselves for it is ‘their’ smart programs, ‘their’ software, and ‘their’ work. If they can just talk and talk like us, then maybe they’d complain for the hours of teary work and loads of  memories used up and if this should go on, computers will no longer serve its purpose. The purpose why it’s made will be defeated for they have rebelled.

Funny why I should come up with such an analogy. 🙂 Maybe I’m just missing the fill of typing on this old keyboards. ^_^ But seriously dear readers, I mean it. And those rebellious computers could be you and I. Oh no let me rephrase that. Those rebellious computers are you and I.

God ruled over all of the universe and it obeyed. The stars obeyed. The sun obeyed. The countless galaxies obeyed. The raging mountains obeyed. But when God said to us, “Come.”, we said, “No!”  O how foolish of us! Who do we think we are? gods? We are weightless before the glorious God and yet we dare think that we could ever be equal with God to dare say NO. Because of that rebellion, we have not served our purpose and that is to glorify Him who deserves all glory. Because of rebellion we have been cast out from Him. And in Him alone is their light. Since we have been cast out then their is only darkness in us. Their could be no light in anyone if he is not in Christ Jesus. Because of the rebellion, we are forever condemned to hell. No one is exempted for everyone fall short of His glory. It does not count whether you are the holiest person in the eyes of men or the worst rascal, we all stand in the same ground- condemned but, yes this big BUT: For God so loved the world that He gave His only  Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life(John 3:16). Now that is AMAZING GRACE for us “rebellious computers”! Is it not? O it is my friends. And you would understand more why, when you come to understand what Divine Exchange happened on the cross of Jesus Christ  2,000 years ago.  Read your bible. Buy one.

It is grace. It is His grace so that none of us can boast and seek glory. It is His grace and God be glorified! 🙂 🙂

I hope you come to know Him my friends. 😉 Seek Him. Seek Him most earnestly. It is the only thing that truly matters.